Donate to help build a real opposition

You will be donating to Zaid Marham, a candidate of the Workers Party of Britain, for the July 2024 general election.


There is virtually nothing to choose between the mainstream parties. We need to build an alternative. However, fighting elections costs money and we have no wealthy backers. We rely entirely on our members and supporters to meet the costs of campaigning activities. So any donation you can make will be very gratefully accepted.


By making a donation you agree to accept the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.


In brief, the most relevant points of this legislation are:


1. there is no problem donating any amount up to and including £500.


2. you must be on the electoral register in the UK to donate more than £500.


3. if the value of your contribution is over £500, we cannot accept it anonymously because we are required to carry out permissibility checks and to give your details to the Electoral Commission.


4. if you donate over £11 180, the amount you donate and your name (but not your address) and will be listed on the Electoral Commission website.


The Workers Party of Britain is registered with the Electoral Commission.

Promoted by Zaid Marham, Workers Party of Britain, 91 Church Rd, B13 9EA